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Clear the Clutter: Live Simply

The practice of purity leads to fitness for God Realization.—Sutra 2.41 Normally this sutra is associated with disgust for the body, which is also cited in Sutra…

Your Roadmap to Happiness

In the world today, most people approach the study of Yoga through the asanas (physical postures). And for many schools, that’s where the study of Yoga ends.…


Five Reasons to Teach Yoga to Teens

Imagine if you had access to Yoga as a teen—how would it have impacted your life? There is a good chance that if you are reading this…

Yoga for Arthritis: More than Modifications

Research on the effects of Yoga has found that Yoga practice has numerous benefits for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Dr. Steffany Moonaz is a Yoga therapist…


Form Versus Action in Our Yoga Practice

Have you ever been in a Yoga class and been given a subtle cue by the instructor that completely changes the way the body feels in an…

Restoring Health with Medical Yoga

What is Medical Yoga? The Medical Yoga program is a holistically-based health education program that focuses on bringing the body, mind, and spirit into a higher state…


Setting a Sankalpa for Change

How Yoga Nidra Can Help with Changing Behavior Yoga Nidra, or “yogic sleep,” is rapidly gaining in popularity these days, mostly because it’s so blissfully exhilarating. Yoga…

The Ten Commandments of Back Pain

Physical injuries or complaints are often what motivate people to seek a Yoga practice for their health and wellbeing. A common, yet unfortunate, physical ailment for many…


Ayurveda, Addiction, and Recovery

This post is an edited excerpt from Ayurveda Journal of Health, vol. XIV, issue 2, Spring 2016, (16–21). Read the full, uncut article here.  Ayurveda is often introduced and practiced…

Shake It Off: Neurogenic Yoga™ and TRE®

What if you could shake off your stress, tension, and trauma? That’s exactly what students are doing when they practice Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) and…


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