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Tag: yoga teachings


A Journey into Yoga: Destiny of Divine Grace

An Interview with Nalanie Chellaram There are some Yoga teachers who are so inspired, so motivated, and so dedicated that their lives warrant some study and reflection.…

Exchange Blame for Bliss with Ahimsa

Ahimsa, often translated as nonviolence, is the first Yama (ethical guideline or precept) of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.  It is one of the foundations of Yoga and something…


A Yogic Adventure—for Kids!

What if your Hatha class took you on a fun-filled journey into an imaginative story? In Nitya’s classes for kids, that’s the reality! Nitya reveals what makes her…

Unlock Your Potential: Master Keys to Happiness

What if someone handed you the keys to a peaceful, joyful life? Would you use them to unlock your full potential? Mitra Somerville offers two helpful practices…


Cultivate Self-Love!

In last week’s blog, Sampada Desai espoused the benefits of self-compassion. We followed up with her to learn simple and effective daily practices for cultivating self-love. Since…

A Healthy Dose of Self-Compassion

In the following interview, psychotherapist, yogini, and laughter Yoga leader Sampada Desai makes a powerful argument for why it is beneficial to be kind to ourselves. Throughout…


Meditation with a Master

In any pursuit, the advice of a master is incredibly valuable for advancing one’s craft and avoiding common mistakes. Yoga master Swami Satchidananda shares practical teachings about…

The Secret of Silence

Know that you are That. Be silent and find such inner knowledge for yourself…In that silence, realize your true nature. There are no words to describe it.—Swami…


Yama and Niyama: The Foundation of Spiritual Life

Helpful Hints for the Practice of Yama and Niyama By Swami Karunananda The first two limbs of Raja Yoga are called yama and niyama. They consist of…

Ahimsa in the Workplace: Finding Harmony

The yamas and niyamas of the Yoga Sutras form the ethical and moral guidelines for yogis and yoginis who aim to practice Yoga in all aspects of…


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