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Search results for: silent

Retreats at Yogaville Virginia

Yoga Retreats Experience the yogic lifestyle in the peaceful environment of Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville Our Yoga retreats offer a peaceful environment where you can take Integral Yoga classes, eat delicious vegetarian meals, hike the trails and explore the beautiful Ashram property…


When we see suffering, it is not the immortal Self that suffers. It is difficult, yet let us remember that it is not our essence– our true identity as children of God–that undergoes anguish and pain.

Bhagavad Gita Study: Chapter 2, Verse 40

Learn to enjoy what you are doing and stick to the meditation schedule. That will be enough.”

Purifying Spiritual Gold by Sri Swami Satchidananda

Tapas also refers to self-discipline. Normally the mind is like a wild horse tied to a chariot.

Delving into the Deep Rest of Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is the ultimate power nap and deliberate “timeout.” Just 35 minutes of intentional Yoga Nidra practice is equivalent to the refreshing rejuvenation found in four hours of deep sleep.

Yoga for Chronic Illness

“Awareness, breath and movement— that is Yoga!”

The Power of Love for Healing and Transformation

For most of us, a long-term relationship breaks our hearts and brings us to our knees at some point in our lives. Then we are compelled to seek a deeper source of connection that is not subject to so much change.

An All Faiths Approach

Usually I hear Isvara pranidhana, dedication to God, presented as one of the paths, an option that one might choose according to his or her temperament. My reading of the Yoga Sutras and my personal experience indicate that Isvara pranidhana, along with the other yamas and niyamas, is more a prerequisite than an option.

The Benefits of Silence

Taking a silent retreat has lasting and profound benefits. Lakshmi Barsel (senior retreat staff) shares some of her observations from years of leading these powerful introspective programs.

Laugha Yoga

A wise man once said, "Seriousness is a disease." And, laughter can go a long way in curing it. Modern science is discovering the wonderful benefits of laughter and humor.

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