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Category: Wisdom


The Key to Unlocking the Present Moment

How many times have we been encouraged, in the name of mindfulness, to live in the present moment? With the pace of modern life steadily quickening and…

How I Became a Disciple of Sri Swami Satchidananda

An Interview with Swami Asokananda Originally published in Namaste (The New York IYI Teachers Newsletter), October, 2012. Namaste: How did you first come into contact with Gurudev? Swami…


The Unspoken Tao: An Interview with Paul Olko

We sat down with Paul Olko, a certified practitioner of Naturopathy, Chinese herbal medicine, and Tui Na acupressure massage, and a teacher of Taoism, Qigong, and Tai Chi.…

Story and Symbolism in the Yogic Tradition

Marni Sclaroff is a Yoga teacher and mentor who enjoys weaving the threads of mythology into all of her offerings.  In the following interview, Marni shares her…


Finding Your Dharma: Learning to Thrive

Katchie Ananda, Yoga instructor and Dharma teacher, explains what it means to find your dharma, align the soul with its authentic purpose, and share your gifts with…

Charlottesville Tragedy: A Letter from Yogaville’s Executive Director

  Hari Om Sangha! “Hating is worse than fighting. When you hate, you keep on hating. We are not going to stop everything in nature. But if…


Clear the Clutter: Live Simply

The practice of purity leads to fitness for God Realization.—Sutra 2.41 Normally this sutra is associated with disgust for the body, which is also cited in Sutra…

Your Roadmap to Happiness

In the world today, most people approach the study of Yoga through the asanas (physical postures). And for many schools, that’s where the study of Yoga ends.…


The Freedom of Forgiveness: Working with A Course in Miracles

What makes a miracle? We decided to ask Bharata Wingham, a long-time student of A Course in Miracles and an experienced Laugha Yoga Teacher Trainer. In the…

Joy Through Relationships

Valentine’s Day is a special time to celebrate love and to put energy into personal relationships. Bhagavan and Bhavani Metro, longtime devotees of Swami Satchidananda, Integral Yoga…


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