by Sam Eberle | Sep 11, 2014 | Integral Yoga Teachings
There is a beautiful saying in the Thirukkural: “We should never forget a good act that has been done to us.” At the same time, it talks about the act that we should forget. That is the one that is not so good, the one that might have hurt us. We should forget it...
by Sam Eberle | Aug 28, 2014 | Integral Yoga Teachings
“Just because the killing is done by somebody else, somewhere else,does not mean the karma, the responsibility, is not yours.If you are eating the meat they provide,you are contributing to their actions and you share their karma.” Many people are concerned about...
by Sam Eberle | Aug 14, 2014 | Integral Yoga Teachings
When I leave my body I will continue to guide you.Remember you will never be without me!The body may go, but I am always with you. Always! It is like I’m wearing a robe. Your perception stops at the robe.Once it is gone those who have the capacity to see,will...