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Yoga Retreats

Experience the yogic lifestyle in the peaceful environment of Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville

Our Yoga retreats offer a peaceful environment where you can take Integral Yoga classes, eat delicious vegetarian meals, hike the trails and explore the beautiful Ashram property located on 750 acres in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Our expert presenters will lead you in explorations of health, spiritual inquiry, joy, and creativity.

Yogaville is a perfect setting to embark on an inner journey.  Our collection of retreats are set against the backdrop of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the James River Valley, wooded hiking trails, breath-taking vistas, serene lakeside oases and artfully landscaped shrines. This inspiring and restorative setting allows communion with nature and furthers the experience of connection with your inner Self. Here, you can take a step back; immerse yourself in silence; emerge refreshed—mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.



“There was a huge diversity of people; young and old from places all over the world. But everyone I met got the same thing;  an experience of love and kindness.” ~Michael & Kathy, Retreat Participants

Yogaville is a vibrant spiritual community built on the precepts of Integral Yoga as taught by Sri Swami Satchidananda.  Blending the power of the various branches of Yoga into one complete practice, Integral Yoga’s holistic and gentle approach brings benefit to many aspects of one’s life.

We look forward to meeting you here!

Browse Retreats at Yogaville

Sacred Silence: Summer Silent Retreat

with Integral Yoga Senior Staff

August 15 - 18, 2024
Rediscover your inner peace through a weekend immersed in sacred silence. Experience the incredible healing benefits that silence offers, from reducing cortisol levels to sparking creativity and alleviating insomnia. We invite you to temporarily step back from your regular routines and join us for the Summer Silent Retreat. The spiritual practices of Yoga will help you make meaningful changes in your daily life and uncover what makes your light shine. Reconnect with yourself through inspiring talks, daily Yoga practices, and silent reflection to enable you to abide in your inner light. Discover that peace is not an external destination but…

Bhakti Yoga Retreat

with Swami Asokananda, E-RYT 500 and Narada Williams

September 19 - 22, 2024
Join us for a Bhakti Yoga Retreat, led by senior sannyasin (monk) Swami Asokananda, and Narada Williams to explore the devotional practices of Bhakti Yoga that will open and nourish your spiritual heart, including kirtan (mantra chanting), puja (worship), japa (mantra repetition), and more.

Harvest Full Moon Retreat: Purnima Sadhana

with Satya Greenstone, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT

October 17 - 20, 2024
Book now and get 20% off listed prices. Offer valid until Sep 26, 2024.
Join us at Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville to experience a Harvest Full Moon Retreat under the guidance of Satya Greenstone, senior disciple of Sri Swami Satchidananda. Learn about the yogic significance of purnima (the full moon) and take advantage of this opportune time to engage in full moon practices, including Chandra Namaskaram (moon salutation) with mantras and repetition of the Gayatri Mantra, the ancient Vedic mantra for enlightenment.

Fall Silent Retreat

with Integral Yoga Senior Staff

October 24 - 27, 2024
Discover the Yoga practices that will enable you to embrace unexpected changes and difficult situations while maintaining your peace and joy. During this Silent Retreat, experience a safe and peaceful environment in which you are able to tune in to your inner intelligence and make space for unique growth. We live in an era of rapid technological advances, unexpected changes, and overwhelming stimulus. How do we navigate through it all with comfort? Learn to be more accepting of any situation, trying not to resist it, but instead, embracing each moment while maintaining your peace. What to Expect Since 1970, Integral…

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