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  • Shared Dormitory: Bottom Bunk – $470.00
  • Private Dormitory – $260.00
  • LGH: Full Bed – $260.00
  • LGH: 2 Twin beds – $260.00
  • LGH: Queen Bed – $260.00
  • (All prices include $260.00 base amount)

Date & Time Details: Check-in:*
3–5 pm
2 pm
*Photo ID (Drivers License or Passport) is required at Check-in for all Guests

Registration: Please register at least 48-hours before Arrival.

Schedule: View Tentative Schedule

Financial Aid: Financial Aid is available.
Fill out and return the form below.
Financial Aid Application

Equity Discount: Equity Discount Application
Equity Discounts and Financial Aid are limited and granted on a first come first serve basis. If there aren't any discounts/financial aid spots available, we will let you know of the availability in similar programs.

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Deepening Your Meditation Weekend

with Integral Yoga Senior Staff

December 15 - 17, 2023

Meditation is a powerful tool that allows us to calm and focus the mind. Backed by modern science, the ancient practice of meditation is profound, simple, and rewarding.

Whether you are new to meditation, have difficulty meditating, or seek to refresh your practice, you are invited to join us at Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville to experience a meditation intensive under the guidance of skilled Integral Yoga practitioners.

Experience the transformative practice of meditation as you explore various meditation techniques, including walking meditation, mantra meditation, and breath awareness. Discover the benefits of meditation, including stress reduction and enhanced spiritual, emotional, and psychological well-being. Learn about the significance of meditation in spiritual self-realization and how to incorporate meditation into daily life.

This program will help you develop the clarity and concentration that enable you to become the master of your own mind.

This program offers:

  • Workshops on the practice of meditation led by Integral Yoga practitioners
  • Daily guided meditation
  • Hatha Yoga practices for cleansing and rejuvenation
  • Delicious, vegetarian meals for an enhanced immune system

What to Expect

Integral Yoga promotes an easeful body, a peaceful mind, and a useful life. Developed by Sri Swami Satchidananda, the path of Integral Yoga uses every aspect of life as a stepping stone to one’s supreme goal—lasting happiness and inner peace. The practices of Integral Yoga, including pranayama (yogic breathing), meditation, and Hatha Yoga, will help you to realize the peace which is your own true nature.

Sadhana (practice) refers to any spiritual exercise that is aimed at progressing the aspirant toward the ultimate expression of their life. When done intentionally, everything can be sadhana—the way you think, move, eat, and interact with others.

Since 1970, Integral Yoga Retreats have provided the sanctuary and solace everyone needs from time to time. Surrounded by a serene woodland landscape, Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville serves as an ideal environment for rest and relaxation while teachers offer experiential classes in Yoga philosophy, meditation, breathing techniques, Yoga postures, and deep relaxation.


During the retreat, you will have the opportunity to seek support and clarification from senior Integral Yoga instructors.

Private mentoring is also available.

All Are Welcome

These retreats are open to everyone, from beginners to advanced Yoga retreatants. Those who are new to meditation or Yoga practices will receive full instruction, while those with experience will have the opportunity to deepen their practice.


I needed a reset, I was struggling, feeling short-tempered and broken. I feel I’ve regained the tools to help guide me back to my center, to be better for everyone and for me. Thank you! — E.M.

I came to deepen my personal practice and spiritual journey. This weekend exceeded my expectations. I cannot wait to return! — L.O.

I decided to take this program to “fill up my empty cup”. WOW did it happen…more than I could ever have imagined. The classes I attended were all excellent…The environment and atmosphere was so peaceful, loving, and secure; what I have always experienced at Yogaville and it was the same this visit, if not more than ever. Maybe it was the impact of the pandemic and the heightened need to be “cared for” the way Yogaville does. THANK YOU! from the bottom of my heart and the farthest depths of the universe. — Sara

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