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Author: ~Yogaville


Feeling the Body from Within through Hatha Yoga

The greatest hindrance to feeling the body from within is the habit of putting emphasis on thinking. Hatha Yoga is not a thinking practice.

Humility: Access to Deeper Wisdom

Sri Gurudev often taught that when we make a fist and point a finger to blame someone else, there are three fingers pointing back at us


Hatha Yoga as Spiritual Practice

The goal of Yoga is to experience this innate nature and to allow that aspect of our being to guide the way to everything. At peace with ourselves, innately we are in a loving relationship to what is outside of us.

Practicing Freedom

We can guide our attention in various ways to cultivate a neutral, non-reactive awareness, an open heart and a sense that this effort is in the service of the Divine.


Going Deep in Our Study & Practice

We are further encouraged to go deep in our study and practice, so that we are rooted in the teachings of this great science and then, without doing too much, we can be shining examples of Yoga. This is our dharma!

Mindful Asana

I realized that there is, indeed, no difference between my morning sitting meditation and evening asanas.


Free of Desires

If we just look back at every single crossroad we have faced in our past, we will see one truth clearly. That truth is that we have actually surpassed everything that we thought we never would!

Yoga, Medicine and Relaxation

Yoga is an ancient system for renewing and maintaining health, consisting of techniques addressing the body, mind and spirit.


Feeling the Body from Within through Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is a potent means to cultivating an inner sensitivity of the body.

Bhagavad Gita Study: Chapter 2, Verse 45

Yet it is the calmness, steadiness, and contentment of a sattwic mind that allows us to be “free from the need to get or hold onto anything.”


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