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Swami Karunananda, E-RYT 500

Swami Karunananda has had 50 years’ experience teaching all aspects of Yoga. She designed and conducts teacher training programs in Raja Yoga and in Meditation. She served as president of Satchidananda Ashram in California and in Virginia, and as director of the San Francisco and Santa Barbara Integral Yoga Institutes. She compiled and edited The Lotus Prayer Book and Enlightening Tales as told by Sri Swami Satchidananda. Her book, Awakening: Aspiration to Realization through Integral Yoga, makes the Yoga teachings accessible and provides inspiration and guidance for the spiritual journey.

Events with Swami Karunananda, E-RYT 500

Experiential Raja Yoga Immersion
November 1 - 3, 2024

Life is an opportunity to grow in awareness and compassion, to unfold one’s potential, and to find fulfillment and happiness. Raja Yoga provides a clear guidebook for this journey. It is a path to higher consciousness based on self-mastery. It offers teachings and techniques that enable one to maintain equanimity during challenging times and, ultimately, realize the supreme peace and joy that is our true nature. We will explore The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the classical text on Raja Yoga, and learn how to apply these great teachings in our lives.. Topics covered will include: Yoga Philosophy: “The Mystery and…

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