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  • Shared Dormitory: Bottom Bunk – $1,095.00
  • Private Dormitory – $1,095.00
  • LGH: Full Bed – $1,095.00
  • LGH: 2 Twin beds – $1,095.00
  • LGH: Queen Bed – $1,095.00
  • (All prices include $1,095.00 base amount)

Program cost is $1095 per person.
Complimentary accommodations are booked on a “first come first served” basis.

Financial Aid: Financial Aid is available.
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Equity Discount
Equity Discount Application
Equity Discount and Financial Aid are limited and granted on a first come first served basis. If there aren't any Discount/ financial aid spots available, we will let you know of the availability in similar programs.

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Crown of Eternal Sacredness: Lions Gate Portal Retreat

with Harmanjot Kaur

August 8 - 11, 2024

In a world of superficial allure and short-lived fame, cultivating your connection with your dharma is the most sustaining and confidence-building action you can take. Embrace the eternal flame of divinity during this weekend retreat.

On the auspicious occasion of the 8/8 Lions Gate Star Portal, connect to your lineage —be it cosmic or human—through the transformative practice of Kundalini Yoga at taught from the lineage of Yogi Bhajan. Witness the radiance of your authentic self as you discover how to live in alignment with your dharma.

Spend a weekend in the presence of the illustrious Harmanjot, as she shares an introduction to the ancient wisdom of Kundalini Yoga. Open the channels of your heart and crown chakras through various practices and breathwork.

Through gentle asanas and meditation techniques, allow yourself to be guided by Harmanjot’s ethereal embrace. Ignite the inner flame of inspiration as we embark on this collective journey towards finding the meaning in our dharma (personal purpose).

Schedule of Events

  • Thursday 8/8 Lions Gate: In the opening session, utilize the special 8-8 star portal to increase your sensitivity to interconnectedness as a planet, a galaxy, a star system
  • Friday Morning Session: Whispers of the Sages – The ancestors, the masters, the ancients ones, they have a message for you. They believe in you. In this morning session, tune your inner ear to hear the ancient sounds and the mission that has been laid out for you.
  • Friday Evening Session: Starry Night – Connect to the cosmic frequencies to heal, recalibrate and learn about your purpose here on Earth.
  • Saturday Morning Session: Soul Song – Imbue your newer, deeper level of self-connection into your sound. Move and find out how impactful you are by using your voice.
  • Saturday Afternoon Session: In Motion – This life is a warriors last dance. Press into your limbs and your cells the consciousness of aliveness so that you can fully activate with the time you have left before this ride called life comes to an end.
  • Sunday Sealed with Love: What is done cannot be undone. The ancients guarantee that your dharma practice goes with you. In these closing sessions, energetically seal your time so that you may consciously carry your new self-discovery.


“I learn so much from Harmanjot” – Ellen P.

“I love myself for who I am and am living out those qualities more.” – Marie W.

“Harmanjot has been a transformative presence.” – Rosa I

“I am no longer fighting myself or trying to fit into a box.” – Jennifer O.

“Through Harmanjot I have learned the power of gentleness” – Tanner M.


Harmanjot Kaur
HARMANJOT began practicing, studying and teaching Kundalini yoga in 2008 when she met her teacher Guru Jagat. She worked side by side with Guru Jagat until her passing in August 2021. During this time, Harmanjot was instrumental to opening and growing the three RA MA Institutes (Los Angeles, New York City, Palma de Mallorca), and developing the creative programming that made RA MA the unique blend of sacred and secular it became known for. With Guru Jagat’s passing, Harmanjot’s destiny has called her to continue the mission they worked so closely on together. Harmanjot has partnered with top brands to…
Learn more about Harmanjot Kaur

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