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Book now and get 20% off listed prices. Offer valid until Sep 26, 2024.
  • Shared Dormitory: Bottom Bunk – $1,000.00
  • Private Dormitory – $1,000.00
  • LGH: Full Bed – $1,000.00
  • LGH: 2 Twin beds – $1,000.00
  • LGH: Queen Bed – $1,000.00
  • (All prices include $1,000.00 base amount)

Program cost is $1000 per person.
Complimentary accommodations are booked on a “first come first served” basis.

Schedule: Full Moon Sadhana Retreat Schedule (Thursday–Sunday)

Financial Aid: Financial Aid is available.
Financial Aid Application
Equity Discount
Equity Discount Application
Equity Discount and Financial Aid are limited and granted on a first come first served basis. If there aren't any Discount/ financial aid spots available, we will let you know of the availability in similar programs.

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Harvest Full Moon Retreat: Purnima Sadhana

with Satya Greenstone, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT

October 17 - 20, 2024

Join us at Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville to experience a Harvest Full Moon Retreat under the guidance of Satya Greenstone, senior disciple of Sri Swami Satchidananda.

According to ancient yogic teachings, the full moon day is an auspicious time. The lunar energy is believed to magnify one’s internal energy, therefore it is recommended that full moon days be spent uplifting the mind with spiritual practices. Learn about the yogic significance of purnima (the full moon) and take advantage of this opportune time to engage in full moon practices, including Chandra Namaskaram (moon salutation) with mantras and repetition of the Gayatri Mantra, the ancient Vedic mantra for enlightenment.

Whether you are seeking relaxation, instruction in Yoga practices, or support for your personal practice, the Harvest Full Moon Retreat will provide the perfect foundation for your spiritual retreat.

What to Expect

Integral Yoga promotes an easeful body, a peaceful mind, and a useful life. Taught by Sri Swami Satchidananda, the path of Integral Yoga uses every aspect of life as a stepping stone to one’s supreme goal—lasting happiness and inner peace. The practices of Integral Yoga, including meditation and Hatha Yoga, will help you to realize the peace which is your own true nature.

Sadhana (practice) refers to any spiritual exercise that is aimed at progressing the aspirant toward the ultimate expression of their life. When done intentionally, everything can be sadhana—the way you think, move, eat, and interact with others.

This program offers:

  • Workshops on yogic lifestyle and philosophy led by senior Integral Yoga practitioners
  • Meditation for connecting with one’s inner peace
  • Hatha Yoga practices for cleansing and rejuvenation
  • Delicious, vegetarian meals for a enhanced immune system
  • Opportunities to practice Karma Yoga (selfless service) in various service areas, including the Yogaville Kitchen, Farm, and grounds (For Farm or Grounds Karma Yoga service, please bring sturdy shoes and water bottles)


During the retreat, you will have the opportunity to seek support and clarification from senior Integral Yoga instructors.

Private mentoring is also available.

All Are Welcome

These retreats are open to everyone, from beginners to advanced Yoga retreatants. Those who are new to meditation or Yoga practices will receive full instruction, while those with experience will have the opportunity to deepen their practice.


I’ve never experienced so much grounding and clarity in my meditation. Satya truly embodies and teaches the goal of Integral Yoga as taught by Swami Satchidananda.—Jessica Lonsberry

Satya is always the consummate presenter. She is knowledgeable, steeped in the Integral Yoga Hatha tradition, and lives her practice. She is patient, kind, accessible, and funny, yet serious about the importance of the practice of Yoga to develop and maintain a healthy body, sound mind, and peaceful spirit. I have taken many trainings with Satya, and she never fails to maintain high standards for the practice delivered in a compassionate spirit. — Ann “Daya” Simas Schoenacher

Satya is so knowledgeable and wise about Yoga and Yoga philosophy. She lovingly guides you through this fascinating Yoga experience that will transform your life and bring you to another level of understanding! — Evangelina Sundari


Satya Greenstone, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT
Satya Greenstone has been a student of Sri Swami Satchidananda since 1971. She has shared the teachings of Integral Yoga® in many diverse settings with students of all ages and backgrounds and combines a natural, practical, down-to-earth approach to Yoga with a gentle humor. Since 1999 she has been a primary teacher for the 200-hour and the Intermediate Yoga Teacher Training programs. While serving as teacher training coordinator, she helped to develop and teach the first Gentle Yoga Teacher Training program. She has also developed and teaches training programs in Restorative Yoga, Adaptive Yoga, and Yoga and Meditation for Children.…
Learn more about Satya Greenstone, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT

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